I recently started working with the OpenSSL library to do some https stuff (sort of obviously). OpenSSL apart from having an implementation for the SSL encryption part, it also nifty algorithms for certificate handling and more importantly an abstract I/O layer implementation called BIO which probably stands for Basic I/O or Buffered I/O or something else. I do not know, I could not find it. Nevertheless, the items of interest here are the BIO_f_base64() -- The base64 encode/decode filter BIO and the BIO_s_mem() -- The memory BIO, which can hold data in a memory buffer.
The BIO man page (or its online version present here: http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/bio.html) give a nice introduction. For now just consider BIOs as black boxes from which you can read or write data. If the BIO is a filter BIO then the data will be processed whenever you read or write to it.
The name, BIO_f_base64, says it all about the functionality of this BIO. If you read from this BIO, then whatever data is being read is first base64 decoded and given to you. OTOH, if you write something to this BIO it will be base64 encoded and then written to the destination. These BIOs can be arranged in the form of chains to do a series of processing on the data that you are reading or writing, all by just a single call to read() or write(). Its all abstracted. Saves a lot of time.
I was trying to decode some base64 encoded data which I had in a buffer, a char [] to be precise. So if you read up about the BIOs it becomes obvious that you first have to create a memory BIO, which will hold the actual encoded data. Write the encoded data to the memory BIO. Then you chain that memory BIO with a base64 BIO and read from that chain. Any data that you read from the chain will actually come from the memory BIO, but before it reaches you it passes through the base64 BIO. So essentially you are reading from the base64 BIO. As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, when you read from a base64 BIO it decodes the data and gives it you. So the base64 encoded data present in the memory BIO is decoded and presented to you. That's it. base64 decoding is done in one simple read() call !
But there is small catch here. For some reason, which I have yet partially understood, base64 requires that the data it is handling be terminated with a new-line character always. If the data does have any newline character, meaning all your data is present in a single line then you have to explicitly tell that to the BIO by setting the appropriate flag. Here is what the man page says:
The flag BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL can be set with BIO_set_flags() to encode the data all on one line or expect the data to be all on one line.
That's about the base64's EOL. Now the other BIO involved here,the memory BIO, is also an interesting guy. When the data it has gets over, it doesn't say "Hey, its over, stop it!". Instead it says "Dude, you got to wait for some more data to arrive. Hang on and keep trying". !!! This is very much suitable, probably when you using the BIO like a PIPE, where you keep pumping data from one end by acquiring it from somewhere and some other guy consumes that data. But in a situation like mine where the data is all fixed I simply want it to tell that the data is all over and I need to stop it. To do this again I will have to explicitly set an appropriate flag and here is what the man page says:
BIO_set_mem_eof_return() sets the behaviour of memory BIO b when it is empty. If the v is zero then an empty memory BIO will
return EOF (that is it will return zero and BIO_should_retry(b) will be false. If v is non zero then it will return v when it
is empty and it will set the read retry flag (that is BIO_read_retry(b) is true). To avoid ambiguity with a normal positive
return value v should be set to a negative value, typically -1.
And this same thing is explained very well here: http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html#PROG15.
I thank Dr. Stephen N Herson of the OpenSSL project for helping me out in understanding this. Here is the mailing list posting that taught me this thing : http://groups.google.com/group/mailing.openssl.users/browse_thread/thread/f0fc310c1bc6ec65#
Happy BIOing. :-)