Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rails cookie handling -- serialization and format

A typical Rails cookie has this format : cookie-value--signature (the two dashes are literal). The "cookie-value" part is a url encoded, base64 encoded string of the binary dump (via Marshal.dump) of whatever was set in the session. The signature part is a HMAC-SHA1 digest, created using the cookie-value as the data and a secret key. This secret key is typically defined in [app-root]/config/initializers/secret_token.rb.

Let us try and reverse engineer a session cookie for a local app that I am running. I am using Devise for authentication, which in turn uses Warden. I use the Firecookie extension to Firebug to keep track of cookies. It is pretty handy.

Here is the session cookie set by Rails:

# Cookie as seen in Firebug

As mentioned at the beginning it has two parts separated by two dashes (--).

The cookie value in this case is :

# The cookie-value part

The signature is :

Whenever Rails gets a cookie it verifies that the cookie is not tampered with, by verifying that the HMAC-SHA1 signature of the cookie-value sent matches the signature sent. We can also do the verification ourselves here. Fire up irb and try the following :
$ irb

irb(main):003:0> cookie_str = "BAh7B0kiGXdhcmRlbi51c2VyLnVzZXIua2V5BjoGRVRbCEkiCVVzZXIGOwBGWwZvOhNCU09OOjpPYmplY3RJZAY6CkBkYXRhWxFpVGkvaQGsaQGwaRBpAdFpCGk9aQHtaQBpAGkGSSIiJDJhJDEwJEZseHh3c293Q29LcHhneWMxODR2b08GOwBUSSIPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZAY7AEYiJTUwNDdkOTMwNDNkNGEzOTA4YTkwN2U2MDY5OGRmOTdm"

# This cookie_secret comes from [app-root]/config/initializers/secret_token.rb. Obviously you need to keep this secret for your production apps.
irb(main):005:0> cookie_secret = '392cacbaac74af104375eb91324e254ba232424130e69022690aa98c1d0dfade159260588677e2859204298181385a83b923e58c4ef24bb3a40bdad9a41431b4'
=> "392cacbaac74af104375eb91324e254ba232424130e69022690aa98c1d0dfade159260588677e2859204298181385a83b923e58c4ef24bb3a40bdad9a41431b4"

irb(main):006:0> OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(, cookie_secret, cookie_str)
=> "51f90f7176326f61636b89ee9a1fce2a4972d24f"

As can be seen the HMAC-SHA1 hexdigest generated with the cookie-value matches the signature part of the cookie. Hence the cookie is not tampered with.

Now that the cookie authenticity is validated, let us see what information it holds.

Let us retrace the steps taken by Rails to generate this cookie value to get the value stored in the cookie. The steps taken by Rails are :
  1. session_dump = Marshal.dump(session)
  2. b64_encoded_session = Base64.encode64(session_dump)
  3. final_cookie_value = url_encode(b64_encoded_session)

The reverse process would be :
  1. url_decoded_cookie = CGI::unescape(cookie_value)
  2. b64_decoded_session = Base64.decode64(url_decoded_cookie)
  3. session = Marshal.load(b64_decoded_session)

And with a beautiful language like Ruby all these 3 steps can be done in one single line of code. Here it is :
(Btw, I need to require 'mongo' because one of the values contained here is of type BSON::ObjectId which is defined in the mongo gem. Without this Marshal.load will error out)

irb(main):001:0> require 'mongo'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'cgi'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> cookie_str = "BAh7B0kiGXdhcmRlbi51c2VyLnVzZXIua2V5BjoGRVRbCEkiCVVzZXIGOwBGWwZvOhNCU09OOjpPYmplY3RJZAY6CkBkYXRhWxFpVGkvaQGsaQGwaRBpAdFpCGk9aQHtaQBpAGkGSSIiJDJhJDEwJEZseHh3c293Q29LcHhneWMxODR2b08GOwBUSSIPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZAY7AEYiJTUwNDdkOTMwNDNkNGEzOTA4YTkwN2U2MDY5OGRmOTdm"

# Reverse engineering the cookie to get the session object
irb(main):004:0> session = Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(CGI.unescape(cookie_str)))
=> {"warden.user.user.key"=>["User", [BSON::ObjectId('4f2aacb00bd10338ed000001')], "$2a$10$FlxxwsowCoKpxgyc184voO"], "session_id"=>"5047d93043d4a3908a907e60698df97f"}

This is the session data that the session cookie was holding. This data is subsequently used by Warden and Devise to fetch the user from the DB and do the authentication.

And that is how Rails handles cookies (at least how Rails 3.0.11 does. I am not sure if things have changed in later versions)


  1. Thank you, you highlighted exactly the area of Rails cookie handling that I needed to integrate them with the Sinatra and Warden APIs my company is building.

    Nice and clear explanation of how Warden and Devise handle cookies for authentication.

  2. Gald to know it helped. Please note that the scheme has changed in Rails 4. Rails 4 now uses encrypted cookie store. So what I have described above is no longer feasible as the cookie is not just signed but also encrypted. IIRC, encrypted cookie store is enabled by default. However inspecting cookie now has just one more step. You just have to decrypt it with the key from your Rails configuration. May be I will do an updated post on that sometime.

